What advice would you give to the next generation of interior designers?

Emma Lakeland, Interior Designer, SpaceInvader

Our Emma Lakeland’s guiding advice is to trust the process and have confidence in your skills and capabilities.

“As a recent graduate myself, I’d advise upcoming new graduates and those still studying to trust the process and have confidence in your skills and capabilities when looking for work or starting your first role. The main thing to remember is that you already have all the skills. It’s about building on those and being open minded to further learning from more experienced team members.

“When you’re approaching the end of your final year and starting the job hunt, make sure your portfolio stands out. What helped me get interviews and interest was having my own unique visual style and keeping my portfolio concise.

“Lastly, be open minded and stay inspired. It’s very easy to feel demotivated when finishing university and going through the job application process, so remember what you’re aiming for and keep on top of your skills by doing little projects for yourself, friends and family. You may not get the first job you interview for – or even the second or third – but it’s not a sign of failure. See it as a redirection to landing exactly the right job for you!”

Read more insights from Emma and other industry experts in Design Insiders ‘Have Your Say’ feature here.


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